How to Choose the Right Paint Finish for Your Bathroom?
Painting, UncategorizedThe bathroom. It’s a place that you spend a decent amount of time in on a daily basis but it doesn’t seem to get nearly as much attention as other rooms in the house when it comes to deciding on what color to paint the walls. Oftentimes,…

How to Keep Up With the Painting Industry?
Painting, UncategorizedAs painters, we know that nothing brings out the best in a particular property like a fresh coat of paint. A new coat of paint can brighten up a room or boost the curb appeal of a business or residence in an instant. While there are many different…

How to Choose the Right Interior Color Paint for your Home?
Painting, UncategorizedChoosing an interior paint color for your home is a big decision. No matter if you are making a decision for one room or your entire home, once the project is complete you want to be happy with the end result. With so much riding on this decision,…

Best Home Improvement Investments
Painting, UncategorizedHere’s a look at eleven of the most common home improvements, and their average return on investment (ROI).
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Is There Really A Difference in Paint Quality?
Painting, UncategorizedWhen shopping for paint or hiring a professional, you have many details to consider. Like others, your primary focus may be the cost of the project. After all, you only want to spend so much money to transform the overall look of your home.…